Tuesday, May 3, 2011

She's baaccck

Ok let's just ignore the fact that I've been completely AWOL for the past month or so.  Here is a list of things that have happened in my life since my absence:

I bought these..... I can't explain it, it's like a drug.

I got a spray tan and left a band aid on.  Deal with that.

I let husband come shopping with me, then put him on an actual bus when I got sick of comments such as "You've already got one like that" and "How much???"

My good friend in New York who is lovely enough to buy things on my behalf in the states decided to stop being an enabler and refused to get the Steven Madden leopard print booties I found ON SALE even though I begged and cried and threatened to stop supplying her with Lucas Paw Paw ointment. 

Husband and I went to a 'Famous People' themed party as Pamela Anderson and Con the Fruiterer.   Because they are a natural pairing.

Sorry ladies, he's taken.

Tyra Says...

Tyra Banks is ridiculous and to prove my point, here is a picture of the person she calls 'the most influencial person in fashion'.

That is all.